Many Dimensions! One Team!
"Let's Build Accountability and Common Sense!"

- License Management Tool Launched
- S.E.A.L Financial Reports Launched

- S.E.A.L Engine Launched - Feb
- 100K+ Subscribers

- 671 Unique Companies on Simpliance
- 1475 Unique Vendors Audited on Simpliance
- 1.8mn+ Users Achieved
- 7 Fortune 500 Companies on the Platform

- 31,297+ Offices Managed On Simpliance - Dec ‘18
- GRC Launch - February

- Product Sales - September
- 10,000 Offices Managed On Simpliance - November

- Incorporation - April
- Investment by Quess - April
- Go live of Simpliance Application - September
- Cataloguing of 50K+ Pages of Legal Data - December

- Simpliance Beta Version Released
In an increasingly transparent world, our vision is to make organisations “Walk their Talk” & enable their vision to thrive in a risk-free environment.
To provide intelligent Governance, Risk & Compliance platforms for organisations, to monitor and comply with all statutory, business and global operating standards.
Core Values That Drives Us

Walk The Talk
Be the first to rise and last to fall. Lead from the front, and the world will follow.

Driven To Enable
You must accept that you might fail. If you don't accept failure as a possibility, you don't set high goals, you don't branch out, you don't try - you don't take the risk.

Passion For Innovation & Transformation
If people are not making mistakes, they are not trying new things. If they are making the same mistake twice, they are not learning new things!

Belief In People And Teamwork
We believe teamwork makes common people achieve uncommon goals.